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Interview With a Twist

Ha! I actually conned a friend into being interviewed by myself. This unfortunate soul is known to those around him by the name Tighe Rickettson. He is my roommate.

-Were your name "Steve," what would be your favorite color?

-Lemonade, because purple is a taste and not a color.

-Why not walk?

-Because bowling is my favorite sport.

-Yes, but what about the Christmas lights strung about the room? Were't you just given an electric shock by them?

-Yes, I do think we had an interesting election this year.

-You're a bitch for the man, correct?

-My penis itches. Also, my loins quiver with anticipation of your next question.

-How does Arthurian legend relate to Mike's red hat?

-In many ways we're all lesbians, not to mention politicians.

That's about it for that interview. I got bored and didn't feel like coming up with random questions any more. Tune in next week when I'll be interviewing somebody with something interesting to say, possibly the devil herself, Martha Stewart.

Tighe, in all of his many guises

Tighe is fat.