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The photos you see below are a pathetic attempt to creatively find a way around not having a scanner readily available. Everything below this line of text is a big hairy lie.

Mr. Reaganomics himself

This is not Dave, although he dreams to one day be as sexy as Mr. Ronald Reagan.

Janet Reno- man or really ugly man: you decide

This is Janet Reno. We feel that there is no need to elaborate.

Ain't love grand?

Please note that this is not my normal stimulous response to being kissed.

A sexy sexy man and his sexy sexy friend.

This is me, me being Dave, with my friend Lindsey. Sorry to bring a normal human element into The Velvet Smog, but it had to be done.
"Lindsey says that Dave-O is sexy, and that he's on the meat market, so beware, ladies!!!"